23 January, 2009

Preparation of medicinal remedies


An infusion is the simplest way to prepare the more delicate aerial parts of plants, especially leaves and flowers, for the use as a medicine or as a revitalizing or relaxing drink. It is made in a similiar way to tea, using either a single herb or a combination of herbs, and may be drunk hot or cold.


Standard Quantity

Cup :-1 tsp (2-3 g) dried or 2 tsp (4-6 g) fresh herb (or mixture of herbs) to a cup of water (this make 1 dose)

Pot:-20 g dried herb or 30 g fresh herb(or a mixture of different herbs) to 500 ml of water

Standard dosage

Take 3-4 doses (500ml) each day


Store in a covered jug in a refrigerator or cool place for up to 24 hours

How to prepare?

1) Place the herb in the strainer of the tisane cup and place the strainer in the cup. Fill the cup with freshly boiled water

2) Cover the cup with the lid and infuse for 5-10 minutes before removing the tisanr strainer. Add a teaspoon of honey to sweeten , if desired


Roots, bark, twigs and berries usually require a more forceful treatment than leaves or flowers to extract their medicinal constituents. A decoction involves simmering these tougher parts in boiling water. Fresh or dried plant material may be used and should be cut or broken into small pieces before decocting. like infusions, decoctions can be taken hot or cold.

Standard Quantity

20 g dried or 40 g fresh herb (or mixture of herbs) to 750 ml cold water, reduced to about 500 ml after simmering (this makes 3-4 doses)

Standard Dosage

Take 3-4 doses (500ml) each day


Store in a covered jug in a refrigerator or cool place for up to 48 hours

How to prepare?

1. Place the herbs in a saucepan. Cover with cold water and bring to boil. Simmer for about 20-30 minutes, untill the liquid is reduced by about one third

2. Strain the liquid through a sieve into a jug. Pour the required amount into a cup, then cover the jug and store in a cool place

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